UPDATED. 2024-04-26 22:55 (금)
사이언스, “황 교수로 인해 한국과학계 불이익 없다"
사이언스, “황 교수로 인해 한국과학계 불이익 없다"
  • 이민선 기자
  • 승인 2006.01.06 00:00
  • 댓글 0
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미국 사이언스誌가 황우석 교수 사태로 한국 과학계가 부정적인 영향을 받지 않을 것이라고 밝혔다. 이는 박상철 前 한국분자세포생물학회장(서울대)이 최근 사이언스 편집장 앞으로 보낸 이메일에 대한 답장을 통해 밝혀졌다.

지난 6일 박상철 前 학회장이 공개한 서한 내용에 따르면, 모니카 브래드포드 사이언스 편집장은 “한국의 일부 연구자 그룹의 비윤리적인 행위로 인해 한국과학계가 영향을 받아서는 안 된다고 생각”한다며, 국내 일각의 우려를 불식했다.

이어 모니카 편집장은 “한국의 여타 과학자들이 지난해 10월 황우석 교수 문제를 공개적으로 토론하고, 과학윤리 규정을 지키기로 재확인한 것에 무척 고무됐다”라며, 한국과학계의 노력을 치하했다.  

이에 앞서 박상철 교수는 사이언스에 보낸 편지에서, 한국 과학계에서 논문조작 사건이 벌어져 충격을 받았으며 유감스럽게 생각하고, 더 이상 유사한 사건이 벌어지지 않도록 재발방지 대책을 강구할 것이라고 약속했다.

이하는 모니카 브래드포드 사이언스 편집장과 박상철 前 한국분자세포생물학회장 간의 이메일 전문.

<모니카 브래드포드 사이언스 편집장의 답신>

Dear Dr. Park:

Thank you for your letter and the information about the Life Science
Researchers" Charter.  We feel strongly that the unethical actions of
one group of researchers should not be held against the Korean
scientific community. We are encouraged to know that the other members
of your Society are publically discussing the issues and  reaffirmed
their commitment to ethical scientific practices in October of 2005.

I am not clear if this is a private letter to the editors of Science or
if it was intended as a submission for publication as a Letter to the
Editor.  Please let me know if you wish for us to consider your letter
for publication.

Thank you for contacting us and I look forward to your response.

Monica M. Bradford

Monica M. Bradford
Executive Editor, Science


<박상철 前 한국분자세포생물학회장이 사이언스에 보낸 내용>


Dear Monica Bradford

Executive Editor of Science



It was a shock to our academic society that Dr. Hwang’s papers on patient-specific stem cells were fabricated. Members of the Korean Society of Molecular and Cellular Biology, the largest leading life science academic society in Korea, seriously regret that such a fraud could occur. Since the ethical debate over human ovum supply and somatic cell cloning began, our society members have felt very uneasy and frustrated.


Thereby, our society decided to establish a charter of scientists’ attitudes on research with a strong emphasis on the ethical implications of the life sciences. The life science researcher’s charter has been unanimously acknowledged by the members and was declared officially on October 2005 at the annual congress.


The charter consists of ten articles. To briefly summarize; first, we have to remember the impact that research has upon humans, society and the ecosystem, prior to any biological research. Secondly, we have to ensure and respect the dignity of life within the research objectives from cells to any organism. Thirdly, we should not fabricate any experimental results and be righteous in the distribution of the results. Finally, we should be fair in acknowledging authorship and intellectual property of the research outcomes. The Life Science Researcher’s Charter has been introduced to all members, and has encouraged the ethical spirit of the life scientist in Korea.


The exposure of Dr. Hwang’s fabrications by our young society members and the subsequent investigative procedure were both fueled by the righteous attitude of our members. We all regret Dr. Hwang’s case, terrible and desperate, but I believe that our society continues to be healthy and scientifically strong. 


As the president of the Korean Society of Molecular and Cellular Biology, I regret very much that such a fraud occurred within our society. A strong policy to prevent any further similar disgraceful incidents will be established. I believe in the ethical sincerity and academic integrity of our scientists, as suggested in the Charter of Ethics for Life Science Researchers and that we will continue on in our efforts toward better society and human life.


Thank you very much for your generosity.




Sincerely yours




Sang Chul Park M.D., Ph.D.


President of Korean Society of Molecular and Cellular Biology




Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Seoul National University Medical School


28 Yon Gon Dong, Chong No Ku


Seoul 110-799


S. Korea


Fax: 82-2-744-4534


E-mail: scpark@snu.ac.kr

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